Computing descriptors ===================== Computing descriptors is an important part of both constructing datasets and using neural-network fits. The problem ----------- Consider a unit box in 3 dimensions. ``n = 100`` atoms are present in the box; their cartesian coordinates are written in a ``[100 x 3]`` matrix ``r`` such that ``0 <= r <= 1``. .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np n = 100 a = 0.3 r = np.random.rand(100, 3) Our task is to count atomic neighbors inside a shell of size ``a = 0.3`` for each atom. This is what a typical descriptor looks like: it counts neighbors in shells around each atom. To make a continuous function out of neighbor count let's introduce a kernel function of neighbor distance ``r`` smoothly decaying from a unit value at ``r = 0`` down to zero at cutoff value ``r = a``. Let's take a half-period of cosine function for this example. .. math:: g(r) = \frac{1 + \cos \frac{\pi r}{a}}{2} \quad r < a .. jupyter-execute:: def g(r): return (1 + np.cos(np.pi * r / a)) / 2 * (r < a) from matplotlib import pyplot x = np.linspace(0, a) pyplot.plot(x, g(x)) Instead of computing neighbors directly let's compute the cumulative value of the kernel function for all neighbors. .. math:: n_i = \sum_j g (r_{ij}) Computing naively ----------------- We start with computing all pair distances between atoms. .. jupyter-execute:: mdist = np.linalg.norm(r[:, None, :] - r[None, :, :], axis=-1) Then, we reduce pair distances using the kernel function. .. jupyter-execute:: result = g(mdist).sum(axis=0) - 1 Finally, we can plot the distribution of neighbors across all points. .. jupyter-execute:: from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.hist(result) This approach is straightforward but not efficient. First, matrix ``mdist`` includes information about very distant atoms we simply discard. Second, we can only perform pair reductions this way: counting atomic triples within the same sphere of radius ``a`` will require a tensor with three dimensions raising memory requirements by a factor of ``n = 100``. Instead, ``miniff`` uses a more efficient approach with a quasi-linear complexity scaling. Computing neighbors with miniff ------------------------------- ``miniff`` provides an interface to computing neighbors efficiently. It uses ``KDTree`` from ``scipy`` to compute neighbor lists and ``cython`` functions to iterate over the list and to reduce it to the desired quantities. As such, there are two key steps. 1. Compute neighbor lists ......................... The primary purpose of ``miniff.kernel`` module is to perform neighbor list construction using ``compute_images`` method and ``CellImages`` class. To do it, we first construct a unit cell object with atomic coordinates. .. jupyter-execute:: from miniff.kernel import Cell, compute_images cell = Cell(np.eye(3), r, ['a'] * len(r)) The second step is to compute its images (neighbors) given the cutoff value and other periodicity information. .. jupyter-execute:: images = compute_images(cell, cutoff=a, pbc=False) print(len( As a result, ``images.distances`` contains neighbor distance data. 2. Reduce ......... In principle, neighbor counts can be deduced from the sparse matrix ``images.distances`` directly with previously defined method ``g``. A more conventional workflow is to pick a reduction function from ``miniff.potentials`` module. Specifically, ``miniff.potentials.sigmoid_descriptor_family`` provides the following reduction function: .. math:: n_i = \sum_j \frac{1}{1 + e^\frac{r_{ij} - r_0}{dr}} \cdot \frac{1 + \cos \frac{\pi r_{ij}}{a}}{2}, where ``r_ij`` is the distance matrix, ``r0``, ``dr`` and ``a`` are constant parameters. By setting ``dr`` to a small value and ``r0`` to ``2a`` we simplify the expression to the second term only .. math:: n_i \approx \sum_j \frac{1 + \cos \frac{\pi r_{ij}}{a}}{2}, resembling the kernel above. To instantiate the descriptor we simply call the factory object the specified parameters. .. jupyter-execute:: from miniff.potentials import sigmoid_descriptor_family descriptor = sigmoid_descriptor_family(r0=10 * a, dr=a / 10, a=a) Let's visualise the radial form of the descriptor. .. jupyter-execute:: from miniff.presentation import plot_potential_2 plot_potential_2(descriptor, energy_unit="1", length_unit="1") To perform the reduction we simply feed the descriptor to ``images.eval``. .. jupyter-execute:: result_miniff = images.eval(descriptor.copy(tag="a-a"), "kernel") Not that ``descriptor.copy(tag="a-a")`` makes a copy of the descriptor with the ``descriptor.tag = "a-a"``. The tag is required by ``images.eval`` to distinguish between species and possible pairs. For example, having two kinds of species in the box ``"a"`` and ``"b"`` we may reduce several kinds of pairs such as ``"a-a"`` or ``"a-b"``. Additionally, we specify the function we want to compute. The same descriptor may provide multiple functions at once: ``"kernel"`` stands for the descriptor value while ``"kernel_gradient"`` efficiently computes descriptor gradients. Finally, let's plot and compare the result. .. jupyter-execute:: _, bins, _ = pyplot.hist(result) pyplot.hist(result_miniff, bins, histtype="step") Advanced -------- ``miniff.potentials`` includes several most common reduction functions. But it is also possible to define yours using ``miniff.potentials.general_pair_potential_family``. It accepts two methods: ``f(r)`` and ``df_dr(r)``. As ``f`` is a python function called multiple times during the reduction, it will not benefit from ``cython`` optimizations and parallelism. Nevertheless, it is a handy prototyping tool.